petek, september 22, 2006

Pisma oboževalcev

Pred dobrim tednom se je v elektronskem poštnem nabiralniku, polnem pisem oboževalcev, znašlo tole sporočilo:

Hi maybe this mail is a little strange for you but i have a question for you what does it mean Puncara??? that's all i hope don't botter my question

Im from Mexico and i have a pillow that put the name puncara and i never know why i put that name so i'll been searching for an answer and i found your page whit the same name.

Thanks for your time and i wait for and answer.

5 komentarjev:

Anonimni pravi ...

Upam da si razložila, da je to v aramejščini prostitutka.

Anonimni pravi ...

hihi, a res, al kaj? :) (naivno zainteresirana)

Yah0da pravi ...

Jao jao, sama sebe nehote vlačm v ene prostitutske vode ...

Yah0da pravi ...

fajnfant, pa si me dobil ja ... podzavestno delam napake :D

Colitin pravi ...

it's true that's the meaning (prostitutka)hello again from Mexico, i hope this time you can give me an answer two years later hehehe